
Google Ads

Getting More Conversions With Google Ads

Your Google Ads campaign is only worth as much as it’s converting. Typically, if you aren’t seeing a conversion rate above 5% from your Ads campaign, you aren’t getting your money’s worth.  So the question becomes, ‘how do you get more conversions with Google Ads?’ Thankfully there are practical answers

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SEO Tactics

Effective SEO Tactics

The reason that so many businesses struggle with search engine optimization is because it is an ever-evolving concept. What worked to boost your search engine rankings last year may not yield the same results this year.  That’s because Google makes changes to their algorithm and indexing criteria all the time.

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content strategy

Building A Successful Content Strategy

In today’s marketing world, content is what really moves the needle. In fact, Forbes reports that 74% of all companies in the United States say that content marketing significantly increases lead generation. Your content strategy is what builds that all-important connection between your brand and your target audience. All of

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Brand Identity

Web Design and Brand Identity

Professional web design is only the first step toward building a strong online presence. You have to consider how your website aligns with your overall brand identity. Your website is the online representation of your company and should reflect your company’s values, message and mission.  In the following post we

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Web Design

How Web Design Affects Your Business

Your website is your most valuable asset in terms of digital marketing. It should be your main asset that draws people in, increases your brand awareness and drives conversion. Conversely, if your website’s design is clunky or simply not optimized, you are missing out on sales opportunities and losing customers.

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Google Maps

Utilizing Google Maps for SEO

Whether your focus is on local SEO or you are taking on the titans of your industry, you should not be ignoring Google Maps as an SEO tool. Consider the following statistic: Google Maps has over 154 million users. It easily owns the lion’s share of the navigation tools market. 

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